Challenge: Choose Your Own Adventures

Adventure happens everywhere! Challenge yourself by choosing your own adventures and completing any 3 tasks! Feel free to try more!

When you complete 3 tasks, you will earn 30 points and a badge.

Sign post in grass with signs pointing in different directions with a blue sky and sun.

Check out a new TV show or movie! Kanopy and Hoopla can help you locate something new.

Grab a new game and try it out!

Learn a new skill!

Listen to music you've never tried before. Freegal and Hoopla are great digital resources!

Read a book from a new genre!

Try a new activity! Check out events at your library if you need ideas!

Try a new restaurant!

Try out a new recipe! Cookbooks are available at your library if you need ideas!

Try that new craft you've been pushing off!

Visit a new place! Culture passes are a great way to visit new places!